Myth and Transformation
Sculpture and Paintings by Harriet Moore
Welcome to my website I am an American artist, living in San Francisco, California. You are at the beginning of a website which displays much of my artistic work from 1965 to the present day.
Most of the work on display is for sale. Please visit thesales info page of my site, or contact me for more information.
Each link to the right leads to a gallery of thematically linked work, each containing several pieces. You can always return to this page by clicking on the home link at the bottom of each page. Also on this site is an artist bio page.

Transformations: The Sculpture and Paintings of Harriet Grannis Moore
Wordrunner Press, 2008
8.5 x 11 inches, 138 pages, 210 color and b/w photos, indexed
Available at www.lulu.com
$35 plus shipping

Divine Comedy: a visual representation of Dante's epic journey of the soul.

Mythical Beings: a synthesis of living forms into a single being.

Portraits: contemplating the living essence of a chosen subject.

Animals: representations and transformations of nature.

The Figure: a wilderness experience captured and confined in the studio.